What we did

Our insight was simple but powerful and anchored in a mom’s DNA: “Dirty is Not Allowed.” For Black Moms, cleanliness is a source of pride, a family value, and often, a source of laughter. We crafted the Bounty Come Clean Comedy Experience to bring this truth to life with humor. Held at New York’s iconic Comedy Club-East Village, the invite-only event featured headliner Zainab Johnson alongside rising Black comedians Tocarra Mallard and Leighann Lord, who shared real-life “cleaning confessions” that were hilarious because they were so relatable.

Bounty What We Did

The impact

In one night, Bounty went from a paper towel to a brand that “gets it,” strengthening its bond with a powerful consumer group. But it didn’t end there. Zainab shared the experience with her 474K+ social followers, igniting cultural conversations around clean. Her post-event reach? Over 15K, with 2K+ likes, dozens of shares, and even more saves.

  • Social Reach Over 15k+ social reach
  • Heart 2k+ likes
Bounty The Impact